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Posts Tagged ‘2022’

Día de los Muertos Summer Film Series 2022

Dear Young Cinephiles,

If you are receiving this message, then you have been formally invited to participate in the inaugural DdlMFF Summer Film Series for Teens, Young Adults, and all Film Enthusiast young at heart.
This is the Summer of PG-13. You have most certainly seen a lot of good movies. Movies with family and friends. Great movies from Disney and super heroes. And classics that your parents showed you. And maybe even some “R” rated movies and movies with some foul language and the like.

You have been selected for this program because you are at the age to watch these films at 13 or above.
Or if you are a bit younger, then you have had parental guidance and approval to watch these movies. Not all movies are PG-13 though. Some are PG, G, or even R. But most we watched when we were kids, with the more lax PG rating or despite the R rating.

Dia de los Muertos Film Festival - Summer Film Series 2022

These films do not need to be watched in any particular order, but watched from top to bottom or however you like or to cherry pick. There are 51 movies:

Please create an account to track these moves and check off the list once you have viewed the movie.
For successful completion of this class, please watch at least 70% of the movies on the list or 35 movies. But please strive to complete all if you have the time and love for movies.
This may mean a sacrifice on watching normal regular TV, cable, favorite shows. But hopefully this will instill a love and appreciation for film.

Notice that the list will show you were you can watch and stream the moves form, Netflix, Hulu, Prime, etc. If you don’t have these accounts, then you can go to your local library and put a digital hold on the titles to pick up at your convenience. Most can be watched for free this way, as some are more challenging to get than others in this time of digital media. (Please contact me for other torrent routes to download these titles.)

To get the most out of this experience, ideally it would be wise to watch each title in one sitting, Undistracted from phones, noises or extra lighting. Think of a movie theatre experience a la the Alamo Drafthouse, shhh.
To watch movies together with others virtually, please set up a watch party.

Afterwards, if you would like to write up a brief summation of the film or what it meant to you, please submit those to this email address.
If you see a title that would be a great addition to this list, please send to the same email for future inclusion for next years Summer Film Series. However, the titles selected here were selected because our family may have already viewed the title.

Uncle “Traveling” Matt

From last years Youth Picture Screening

Dia de los Muertos Film Festival 2021

Click here to download a poster size print

Summer Film Series – Master Class – Dia de los Muertos Film Festival Community Outreach Program


A Go-Getter? Get a Glimpse of what is being teed up for next year!