Rock and Roll Photographer
Posts Tagged ‘2013’

Día de los Muertos Film Festival 2013


Due to the Housecore Horror Film Festival held over the past weekend and Committee involvement, our DMFF Sunday screening was cancelled so that we could see GOBLIN Perform Live Score Of Dario Argento’s Suspiria! (If you have never seen that film, stop what you are doing and go see at this moment!)

Dia de los Muertos Film Festival 2013

Date: Halloween (9:00 PM Showtime) – Días de los Muertos Finale

Film selection voted upon and decided prior to screening:

Alternating Screenings at each others homes.
(Schedule, Dates, Times, Participants, Screenings, and Venues Subject to Change)

  • Categories
  • Premier*
  • Classic**
  • Cult**
  • Foreign*
  • Zombie*
  • Campy*

Vote for your category screening suggestion

* unseen by Committee

** seen or unseen and selected by Committee

Please bring refreshments and snacks that you prefer, that will make you more comfortable when viewing possibly uncomfortable material. Popcorn will be provided.

(Let whoever else know who might want to come or screen their own, that is into horror films who would like to participate in 2014.)

Free Event, Private, RSVP Required. Home Screening